
My note about my world


My note about my world

While mama had left us

I try to write this novel(lot card secret) in to English from Persian translation because I wanna to see .how much I can write equal to writer !! I hope!!!!

از زمانی که ماما ما را ترک کرده بود سالهای زیادی گذشته بود آن قدر که دیگر قیافه او را هم به یاد نمی آوردم تنها چیزی که در خاطرم مانده بود این بود که از همه زنان زیباتر است.دست کم این چیزی است که پدر همیشه می گفت او همچنین عقیده داشت که هر چه زن زیباتر باشد در پیدا کردن خودش با مشکلات بیشتری روبرو خواهد شد.من از همان لحظه ای که ماما گم شد در جستجوی او بوده ام.هروقت که در اطراف میدان بازار آرندال قدم می زدم .فکر میکردم ناگهان او را خواهم دید و هر وقت به اسلو می رفتم تا از مادربزرگم دیدن کنم در خیابان کارل یوهان چشم به راهش بودم.اما هیچ وقت او را ندیدم تا روزی که پدر با یک مجله مد یونانی وارد خانه شد.ماما را ندیده بودم از عکس ها بخوبی می شد فهمید که او هنوز خودش را پیدا نکرده است چون اینها عکس های مامای من نبود او آشارا سعی می کرد شبیه کس دیگری باشد .من و پدر هر دو برای او خیلی تاسف خوردیم

While mama had left us, many years had passed ,so much I didn’t recall her face. only thing has remained in my memory .is that she is the most beautiful among the women. at least this is a thing that father always said. he also believed that so much woman more beautiful to find herself .she will face more problems. I has followed her since she lost .every time I was walking  in the Arendal market square . I think. I will see her suddenly .every time arrived to Oslo to meet my grandmother. I have looked forward to her in Carl Juhan. but never see her. until ,father arrived home with a Greece fashion magazine .i hadn’t seen mama. We can understand from the picture that she obviously tries to be like another person. My father and I both regret for her.

We and our desires

I m single but I think

When we intend to marry, there are many reasons. maybe we wanna to have a family  . maybe we were alone ,maybe we find our love .

It is beautiful!

 When you have a companion, you share your time and you have a pleasant home!!!!

Also we live together ,we  even aware from the least important subject in our privacy! we see together every day  for all years that we are live!

and we have to continue this situation , but some time we tired from ourselves  .this times we must take care of  ourselves.  We must take care of our spirit to keep our family.

I think when we don’t know our wishes and don’t do anything for ourselves. we should stand on our feet. It is better not to marry !

 because we cause that another person will not reach their desires!!!!!  

Adopted from Lot card secret novel

برگرفته از کتاب راز فال ورق  اثر یوستین گوردر

پیرمرد دوباره شروع به صحبت کرد و گفت :«این پنجاه و دو چهره متفاوت بودند ،اما همگی یک وجه مشترک داشتند؛هیچ یک از آنها درباره اینکه کیستند و از کجا آمده اند سوالی نمی کرد . آنها با طبیعت یگانه بودند.در این باغ خرم و سرسبز ،آنها فقط وجود داشتند گستاخ و بی مسئولیت مانند حیوانات .... اما ناگهان ژوکر وارد شد . مانند ماری سمی دزدانه به دهکده خزید.»

صدایی سوت مانند از دهانم خارج شد.

«چندین سال می شد  که جمع ورق ها تکمیل شده بود و من انتظار نداشتم ژوکر وارد جزیره شود، هرچند این کارت هم در ورق های همراه من وجود داشت به نظرم می رسید ژوکر من هستم . اما یک روز ،این احمق کوچولو دزدانه وارد دهکده شد.

Old man starts speaking again and said: these 52 faces were different  ,but all had a common aspect. None of them ask about who are they and where are they from!

They were match with nature.

In the green garden , they were only exist  rude and unresponsible such as animals .but suddenly Jokers arrived . like poison snake sweep to village.

Whistle sound come out from my mouth

Several years last the whole cards were collected and I don’t expect to enter Joker to Island .as if this card there was this card along with me, too. it looks Joker I am. But one day .this foolish tiny arrived to village.