Hey you
چهارشنبه 6 مردادماه سال 1389 17:43
Hey you Hey you understand Every body need a hand Come with me and Sing song La la la la o o o la la la o o o o
سهشنبه 27 مردادماه سال 1388 09:23
Greek people called themselves civilized and other land called barbarians. In thought means that Greek people are more superiority than other land. This though was very harmful for human and lead to countless crimes! And we read these crimes in history among the kings , people ,two tribes..., and so on. Today we...
دوشنبه 21 اردیبهشتماه سال 1388 10:10
Hi my daughter! Welcome to my life! My daughter I love you!
A Remembrance
چهارشنبه 16 اردیبهشتماه سال 1388 16:59
When I was a child, my sister and I had special and exiting remembrance . my sister was smart as a whip! One day Our family friend came to our home and mom advise us having a good and polite manner so we promised. But my sister promise lasted short time! They came our home and I sit down next to them and they...
This year
یکشنبه 6 اردیبهشتماه سال 1388 10:23
This year I will get 27 and I think ,I should change routine of my life so I need to be happy and more hobby because last year, I was busy as well as I became too tired .I worked and studied hard and without hobby and trip! So I got exhausted but now I don’t want to have a life without hobby! I ask a question myself....
سهشنبه 15 بهمنماه سال 1387 14:46
I m tired! I m too tired!!!
After putting a side
شنبه 5 بهمنماه سال 1387 09:14
برگرفته از کتاب خاطرات اوا براون (همسر هیتلر) بعد از کناره گرفتن از همه دوستان کلیمی ام خیلی احساس تنهایی می کردم ،ولی هنوز رابطه خود را با خواهرم ایلزه تا حدی حفظ کرده بودم،اما دیگر آن ارتباط نزدیک و صمیمیت پیشین را نداشتیم. ایلزه از این جریان ناراحت بود، ولی به روی خود نمی آورد و همیشه رنجش خود را در دل نگاه می داشت...
Come back
دوشنبه 27 آبانماه سال 1387 09:03
I miss you!! When will you come back? I see your face everywhere and I feel you every time! Come back!!!
I live with them
شنبه 11 آبانماه سال 1387 16:23
I can not forget my Dreams!!!! I live with them!!!!! I cannot! They are my laugh, love,plan and goal !!!! I promise!!
While mama had left us
یکشنبه 5 آبانماه سال 1387 17:38
I try to write this novel(lot card secret) in to English from Persian translation because I wanna to see .how much I can write equal to writer !! I hope!!!! از زمانی که ماما ما را ترک کرده بود سالهای زیادی گذشته بود آن قدر که دیگر قیافه او را هم به یاد نمی آوردم تنها چیزی که در خاطرم مانده بود این بود که از همه زنان...
We and our desires
سهشنبه 30 مهرماه سال 1387 12:19
I m single but I think When we intend to marry, there are many reasons. maybe we wanna to have a family . maybe we were alone ,maybe we find our love . It is beautiful! When you have a companion, you share your time and you have a pleasant home!!! ! Also we live together ,we even aware from the least important subject...
Adopted from Lot card secret novel
سهشنبه 23 مهرماه سال 1387 12:41
برگرفته از کتاب راز فال ورق اثر یوستین گوردر پیرمرد دوباره شروع به صحبت کرد و گفت :«این پنجاه و دو چهره متفاوت بودند ،اما همگی یک وجه مشترک داشتند؛هیچ یک از آنها درباره اینکه کیستند و از کجا آمده اند سوالی نمی کرد . آنها با طبیعت یگانه بودند.در این باغ خرم و سرسبز ،آنها فقط وجود داشتند گستاخ و بی مسئولیت مانند حیوانات...
Novel and Economic crisis
سهشنبه 23 مهرماه سال 1387 10:46
American economic Crisis news publish rapidly in the world and bourse of America fall ! It is awful for their people .American officials summon to solve this crisis by universal experts. This event is natural !! After 11 September and Iraq and Afghanistan war lead to current crisis!! Thoughtless Polities USA impose...
Taste of life
سهشنبه 16 مهرماه سال 1387 08:49
I do not know what is real life ? Bu I know every body wanna to understand it , he can. Some times we live and be near our family in our society with our children but we don’t feel them we don’t feel ourselves. For a moment we should wait and think about life! Like a piece of apple ! when I bite a apple I hear its...
thanks my friends
سهشنبه 2 مهرماه سال 1387 13:41
thanks my friends! You are best ! you feel me! when I m sad you feel my heart. thanks my friends! I love you ! For y our greatness ! For your kind ! You are in my heart ! thanks thanks ….!
When I m busy
یکشنبه 24 شهریورماه سال 1387 12:48
When I m busy I don’t hear sound of my mother and don’t see her smile Mother sorry ! I love you! I promise I always hear your sound! Always see your smile Thank mam for all kind of you! Sorry,mam
Good treat in org
چهارشنبه 13 شهریورماه سال 1387 10:21
Maybe you are a member of staff. and you deal many people every day. So how do you treat with them? I think when we treat good with people , our behavior balance with ourselves. When we are angry. we don’t speak well together .we don’t think clearly. So we do not always feel good. Human relation is very complex. and...
Remind ourselves
چهارشنبه 6 شهریورماه سال 1387 09:44
What is important for us in life? We feel happiness , kindness, love and …. when we are happy, we laugh and think affirmative ! We fell released our heart . what is get us happy? maybe a mother smile .maybe a tanking! So, Why don’t we do good work for ourselves? Why don’t we feeling happy ? Why don’t we try to change...
when does this fighting finish
دوشنبه 28 مردادماه سال 1387 11:07
in the media, we see many news about relationship between Iran and Usa. And the world want to know: when does this fighting finish!? New president candidate in Usa ,senior Obama, said peaceful plan about Iran. He want to discuss with Iran without condition .he hopes to follow a peaceful relationship with Iran. Iranian...
شنبه 12 مردادماه سال 1387 08:53
Laugh Every time! Because every things in our world laugh! When the sun rise, the bird fly and we weak up every morning! Every day is new day and new life. So , Laugh ! you have a new day and new life!
Beauty industry
سهشنبه 18 تیرماه سال 1387 13:51
Today , beauty industry is an important subject in the world. We can see its effect in female and male . We are consumer of this industry in this modern world . Make up is one of aspect in beauty industry. it isn’t special for just now . in the past , people of different nation made up themselves by various ways....